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The City of Santa Barbara has approximately 90,000 inhabitants.  The city is divided into 6 districts, each containing approximately 15,000 people

Six Districts of Santa Barbara.png

Each district is represented by one City Council member.  The Santa Barbara City Council is composed of 7 people; 6 City Council members and 1 mayor.  Since the majority of the things decided by the City Council are never put to a public vote, these 7 people decide the direction of the city for all of its 90,000 inhabitants.

In recent years, small groups of politically savvy lobbyists have figured out they can achieve their agendas by swaying 4 out of the 7 City Council members to do their bidding.  Many of these decisions only support the agenda of these minority groups and are not in the best interests of the community at large.


In the past, it was enough for business people to work hard, sacrifice and save their money.  Now, business people have to add being politically active to their skill set as well.


Over the last few election cycles, we have seen the impact of private interests over the public good on many local businesses.  It is time for business people to stand up for a more supportive political environment.


In 2024, 3 of the 6 City Council Seats will be up for re-election.  Now is the time to take action to put more business friendly candidates back into these positions.


Local business is the backbone that provides many essential services to our community.  Please join us in helping to elect representatives who will work with our local business community to promote a more positive business environment in Santa Barbara. 


All of the information you share with us will be confidential and will only be used to send you news relating to the Promotion of Business Interests in the City of Santa Barbara.


Please let us know if you have any questions.


Thank you,


SB for Business

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